Южно-Российский научно-культурный центр
А.П. Чехова
Молодежная гостиная |
Библиотека | Электронный читальный зал | Детская
творческая студия | Выставочный зал | Киноконцертный
зал | Литературная гостиная | Театральная гостиная |
Южно-Российский научно-культурный центр А.П. Чехова (ЮРНКЦ А.П. Чехова) был основан в 2010 году в год 150-летия со Дня рождения писателя с целью популяризации чеховского наследия, памятников истории и культуры Таганрога и Ростовской области. Сегодня на базе центра проводятся научные конференции, семинары, творческие встречи. Важное место в его работе отведено культурно-образовательной деятельности. Сотрудниками центра разработаны интересные образовательные программы для детской аудитории.
В числе ведущих форм работы Чеховского центра – организация выставок: фондовых, авторских, выставок из частных коллекций. В рамках выставочных проектов музейными педагогами ЮРНКЦ проводятся интерактивные занятия, творческие задания (мастер-классы), которые дети выполняют сразу после осмотра экспозиции.
Центр входит в состав Таганрогского государственного литературного и историко-архитектруного музея-заповедника.
347900, г. Таганрог, ул. Октябрьская, 9 (правое крыло)
тел.: (8634) 61-17-64
The South-Russian scientific and cultural Anton Chekhov center
Youth sitting room
Reading hall
Children creative school
Movie and concert hall
Literary sitting room
Theatrical hotel
The South-Russian scientific and cultural Anton Chekhov center was founded in 2010, the year of the 150th anniversary of the writer. It was founded with the purpose of popularization of Chekhov heritage, of historical and cultural monuments of Taganrog and Rostov Region. Scientific conferences, seminars, creative meetings are conducted in this center today. Cultural and educational activities take an important place in his work. Museum workers devised interesting educational programs for children.
The organization of holding and original exhibitions and exhibitions of private collections are the leading forms of the Chekhov center work.
Within exhibition projects museum teachers conduct interactive classes and master-classes, which children visit immediately after the exposition examination.
The center forms a part of the Taganrog state literary and historical-architectural museum-reserve.
Postal code: 347900,
9, Oktyabrskaya78 Street (the right wing), Taganrog
Tel.: +7634611764
Youth sitting room
Interactive museum classes, debating clubs and meetings as well as exhibitions are held here. The hall is equipped with video and audio facilities.
The library contains scientific, popular science literature and fiction.
The reading hall
Online meetings with scientists and Chekhov scholars are held here. Everyone can use rare museum literature in electronic form. The hall is equipped with various facilities: computers, printers, scanners and desktop publishing.
Children creative school ”Antosha Chekhonte”.
Master-classes on different techniques of decorative and applied arts are held here. Study groups “Needlework” and “The magical brush” are available in the creative school.
Exhibitions from holdings of museum-reserve and from private collections are shown here.
Movie and concert hall
Literary and music evenings, cinema evenings, performances, virtual excursions, school-leaving parties, conferences and meetings are held here. The hall is equipped with video and audio facilities.
Literary sitting room
Literary evenings, one-actor performances, meetings and round table discussions are held here.
The theatrical sitting room
The theatrical sitting room is intended for rehearsals and preparations for performances.